Talk:Naming Conventions

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RH: Do we have a limited list of 'owners' that can be prescribed?


RH: How do we number the rules uniquely?


RH: I would like to emphasize that having reasons for each rule prevents a lot of questions. I.e. The reason for folder names to be lower case is to prevent problems between software running on Unix or Microsoft server.


RH: In a picture supplied in document 'eba-dpm-xbrl-mapping' more subfolders are presented than are explained in the text. Maybe DTS authors are free in creating extra layers within the 'dict' and 'releasedate' folders?


RH: I do not understand why the dictionary folders are not part of a version or release date. And why it is necessary to have a folder per schema. If there are multiple fam.xsd, met.xsd etcetera there may be a use otherwise a 1:1 has been created.